Increase Specialty Grain Quantity When Steeping?

Generally, specialty grains have a higher ppg rating when mashed than when steeped. But all the recipes I’ve found in How to Brew Fourth Edition and BYO magazine that have both all-grain and extract with specialty grain versions, show the same quantity of the specialty grains with either method. In fact, BYO and Beersmith specifically advise using the same quantities. It just seems logical to me that when steeping, the specialty grains should be increased to account for the lower ppg. Then they will contribute the same gravity points to the beer, and I feel they will yield flavor closer to the all-grain recipe. Thoughts?

My understanding is that steeping specialty grains is mainly for color and any gravity points gained is a bonus. I wouldn’t expect any flavor to come though.

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Table 4.4 of How to Brew along with adjoining text describes it pretty well. The temp and duration matter. I use 168°F for 30 min in an effort to be consistent. Palmer uses 160°F for 30 min.

I disagree there is no flavor from hot steeping grains. On page 58 of HtB it says, “Hot steeping obtains a flavor and aroma profile from the grains similar to that obtained if the grains were mashed, because the steeping is very similar to the mash conditions.”

I have been brewing this way for years and have evidence that a Porter, Stout, etc do just fine in competition using this method. I use most recipes as written even if the author mashes the grains I steep.

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I use Palmer’s method for steeping and use his Table 4.4 to estimate the OG - no problem there. Like you, I also pretty much use recipes as written, even when the recipe is for mashing. Then I’ll change quantities the next time I brew it, if needed.

For my next few batches, I think I’ll try increasing the quantities right from the start and see how it works out. It just bothers me that I’ll be ignoring what much better brewers than me are advising. And your experience seems to support the expert advice since you seem to be satisfied with the results.