I currently have a couple different faucets (2 ventmatics and 3 Perlick 525ss). I want to change up to have all the same - was looking at the intertaps and perlicks (650ss and 630ss). Any experience or reviews on them?
I have two of the old school Perlicks (the 425 ss with the shuttle mechanism) and one Intertap ss with flow control.
The action on the Perlicks is noticeably smoother than on the Intertap, but it isn’t really a big deal. I don’t care much for the flow control though. After this keg kicks, I’m going to switch that tap back to the Perlick.
I went with the Intertap tower with springs, no flow control, and absolutely love them. I use the different spout attachments all the time. The ball lock connection is perfect for bottling from the keg and the stout faucet creates a nice, smooth, creamy head that accentuates many styles.
I have 650SS. The flow control works very well. I don’t have lines and serve at 10-12PSI (via QD to tap adapter) without problem.
I do have occasional issues with spitting foam when I first open the tap. Generally, I think this is related to debris in the flow control mechanism. To fix, I flush with Starsan (using my keg/carboy washer pump).
Intertap, definitely. I have the all-stainless flow control, which (stainless) is not much spendier than brass-base. With or without the flow control, the Intertap design is genius. The sliding shuttle seals positively every time, unlike the swinging ball and floating gasket on the Perlick, which I switched from. It’s also easy to completely disassemble for cleaning. Plus, the attachments that thread on in place of the regular spout are great. I use the ball lock post for quick setup of my recirculating pump, and only occasionally disassemble everything just for good measure.
Yeah, I’ve heard people have leak issues with the new Perlick design (swinging ball and floating gasket). The older Perlicks have the same shuttle mechanism as the Intertap faucets, and they also have removable, threaded spouts.
I don’t know why they switched or if there was a lawsuit or something. I also wonder if there is some relationship between Intertap and the old Ventmatic company, since they use the same shuttle design.
If I was buying a new faucet, I’d probably go Intertap, but I think the old Perlicks are even better.
I have 2 Perlick 525SS and a Stainless Intertap. I have the Intertap closing springs in all of them. The Perlicks definitely have much smoother action but, other than that, I really have no preference. I have growler filler attachments for both, so that isn’t an issue.
The only problem I ever had with the Perlicks is finding the O ring kits for them. Finally found them at Great Fermentations.
I went with the Intertap tower with springs, no flow control, and absolutely love them. I use the different spout attachments all the time. The ball lock connection is perfect for bottling from the keg and the stout faucet creates a nice, smooth, creamy head that accentuates many styles.
My intertaps are solid. I have 3. Never leak. Throw on the stout spout, fill a growler, haven’t tried the ball lock yet but that seems solid if you’re going to bottle off a keg.
Minimal parts, soak the stainless and pour more.
I think they are a great value, I haven’t had to replace anything in the year I’ve had all 3.
so Williams has a sale this week, and I think I’m going to pull the trigger - just oscillating back and forth on the flow control vs. no flow control but with spring back.
Instead of the beer coming out as a full stream out of the nozzle, it will do that for a bit and then starts to thin out or become hollow in the middle of the liquid stream, causing the beer to foam. I’ve tried adjusting the flow controls but no luck.
Ahh. You’ve helped me understand what I’m seeing, I was just focusing on the oscillation between clear pour and foam. Hadn’t analyzed the geometry of the stream. Suppose it’s turbulence introduced at the flow restricting ball. Yeah, I may replace mine with the regular Intertap model. But I still way prefer the Intertap design over the current Perlick. (I find the problem is less pronounced if the system is perfectly balanced otherwise. But a little off on carbonation, and it greatly exacerbates the problem rather than offering an easy adjustment.) Thanks.
Are your lines balanced? Williams customer service is pretty awesome, they may have some ideas to fix your issue without having to give up on them. I don’t have the flow control but hopefully some folks who do will chime in
Don’t know about blatz, but I’m balanced; I’ve even accounted for my 1000 ft elevation above sea level. Ergo, probably didn’t have reason for flow control in the first place. :
I will call Williams tomorrow; that said I am balanced and have never had an issue like this in the 10 years I’ve had ventmatics and perlicks. I literally just cleaned my lines and swapped out the hardware.
With my Perlick flow control faucets, I can poor a glass of beer with 1 mm of foam if I want to.
Sometimes I do get pours that are hollow in the middle. The beer clings to the cylinder but it’s not fully flowing so it looks hollow. But, that doesn’t cause foam for me. It just looks weird. I can stop that by adjusting the lever (opening and closing) while pouring or usually it will stop on it’s own before the glass is full.
The only foam issues I get are a bit foam at the very beginning of the pour. It’s like the tap spits foam for the first half ounce and then flows foam free. This happens sometimes but not all the time. I have always associated that with a dirty tap because it seems to go away if I clean the tap. I don’t always clean the tap though because it’s not much foam.