iOS 5.1.1

The newly updated Zymurgy app (1.6) does not work on my old iPad with iOS 5.1.1 even though it says it is compatible with iOS 5.0 or later.

The app loads the login screen then dumps me back to the desktop every time.

Can I get the old version?

Try an email to Duncan Bryant or Matt Bolling at the AHA.

Hey guys,

Thanks for the note. I am going to pass this info on and see what we can figure out.

YSO191 – if you’d like to get in touch directly, feel free to email me at duncan (at) brewersassociation (dot) org.


wow, just like summoning a genie…

Now THAT’S Customer Service!  LOL

Sorry for the delayed response. There is a fix request in to our app dev team to address this issue. Hang in there!!
