Ipa water addition help

Alright my buddy is going down to our local brew store,  I’m having him pick me up some salts and was wondering if you guys could help me with what to get,  I’m brewing a heady topper clone from farmhouse brewing,  I was thinking about the burton on Trent water pack with everything already mixed together?  But I’ll be using deer park bottled water for this one so was thinking maybe gypsum and some others tho too any guidance would be awesomr I was this beer to be smacking me in the face with hops

I use Bru’nwater to predict pH and to figure salt additions- the Pale Ale profile there is excellent. So I would download it and it will tell you the salts to use for IPA.

Deer park water


Nice water. I had a sip of Heady at a club meeting. I don’t remember it being to minerally or having a lingering bitterness. A Burton profile may not be what they use. Anyone else know?

Alright did alittle playing in ezcalc,  my ph is alittle high at 5.6 but was thinking if I add some ph stabilizer could draw me down to the 5.2-5.4 range

2.5g gypsum
3.75G calc. Chloride
2g epson salt
2.6 gypsum
4 calc. Chloride
2.1 Epsom

Water after:

Chloride/sulfate ratio .80

Tht look good or what else should I adjust for the high pb

Ph,  from what I have found searching on the clone of heady the alchemist mashes at 5.4 so I’m 2 points high but would adding stabilizer help with that?

You’re much better off using something like lactic acid or phosphoric acid. There’s no way of telling what the stabilizer is adding to your mash, what pH it’s going to hit, and what the flavor impact is going to be.

Should my LHBS sell lactic acid or phosphoric?

Edit:  Nevermind checked there site they got it

for sure. lactic is almost always available. I like to mash in and see where PH lands, then add the lactic acid with about quart of mash water held back, and stir it all in.

Just to clarify, is Deer Park your town or are we talking about the bottled water brand Deer Park?

Bottled deer park, beer smith has the breakdown in the software of what it’s ppm are

Still need to get a water filter to use my local tap water and being its a 60 dollar brew I like to know my water is good lol

my buddy has brewed this clone 3 or 4 times and has nailed it (did a side by side). He pushes his So4 to 200ppm and Cl to 40ppm uses 100%RO. Doesnt taste minerally at all also he use Vermont IPA yeast GYo54 from Gigayeast.

I got omegas dipa conan strain,  will have to try giga on the next run and compare the two

Wonder what those contents would be like in the bottled deer park I will be using

i would think that “bottled water” would be $$$ is there any way you can just find an RO machine in one of your local grocery stores? i get 5 Gal for $2.

If the Deer Park profile works, why not use that instead of starting w RO and adding stuff?


If you get a “filter” there are the ones that take out big particles like particulates, you can get an Carbon filter that takes out the chlorine/chloramines at low flow rates, and some metal ions. For the brewing ions, you want to get a nano filtration system or a Reverse Osmosis system. Those strip out a lot of the brewing ions, nano<RO. Nano has less water usage in backflushing, and higher flow rates, so that is attractive if it gets you to where you want to be.

Yea I have been searching around abit and I’m thinking of getting one of the reverse osmosis systems for in the brewery/garage.  I’ll have to look but don’t think any of my local grocery stores have RO set ups.  The one use to but I think it never got used so they did away with it.  The bottled water is already in the $60 cause ingridents yeast and all was 49.99 water is 7-8 bucks then just need to get the gypsum, calcium chloride, and lactic acid and another thing of ph strips then I should be good to go but if I can find one of those RO stations I might just have to go that rout.