Is star-san on stainless bad?

I’m new to home brewing and I’m still bottling, but I plan on switching to kegging in the near future. I was at a local home brew store this weekend, and while talking with the guy who works there about kegging, he mentioned that once I start using stainless that I shouldn’t use star-san to sanitize because it’s an acid and it will eat the metal a little and give my beer a metallic tastes. While it makes sense, I am a little suspicious. I would think that for that to happen you would have to really leave it in  the keg for a long time and use a high concentration.

Is that really an issue, especially if you are keeping the star-san in the keg for only the 2 minutes it takes to sanitize?

Is there a better product that I should check out when I switch to kegging?

Sounds bogus to me. I’ve even used star san mixed to a higher concentration than normal to passivate my stainless stuff at times.

I think he was getting star san and bleach confused. Bleach should never be used on stainless steel, it’ll corrode the metal.

+1. It’s made for this. The guy was confused.

You can always call Five Star if you want to put your mind at ease. They’re great about answering questions.

FWIW - After PBW and rinsing I use StarSan on my kegs and then dump out all except a gallon. Then I push that out with CO2. Then I have a sanitized, pressurized keg that can sit for a while and will remain sanitary. It’s also a good opportunity to clean your keg lines and taps.

Breweries use acids on their SS equipment. No problems.

Star San on Aluminum is another story.

I often keep kegs filled with StarSan solution for weeks and maybe months without problems.  Concentrated acids are another story.

Yes, do not store undiluted star san in stainless. Not sure why anyone would, but don’t.