Think it went south, don’t know why. Recipe was:
4.5 lb Belgian pilsner
2.75 lb German vienna
.75 torrified wheat
1 oz UK Kent Goldings (60 min)
0.25 oz Styrian Goldings (Celeia) (10 min)
0.25 oz Saaz (10 min)
0.75 oz Styrian Goldings (Celeia) (2 min)
0.75 oz Saaz (2 min)
1 oz bitter orange peel (flameout)
1 oz coriander seed (flameout)
3711 French saison
fermented for 13 days at about 75. Can someone tell me what it is? I followed my normal sanitation routine and have never had a bad batch before.
Does it have an off odor or flavor? If not, those may just be yeast islands floating in there. I’m no expert but I don’t think I’d too worried if it smells/tastes okay.
It tastes fine. Just never saw something like that in my ~35 batches. Its for a friend and on a short time limit so I was a bit worried. Was planning on kegging it today, but maybe I should throw it in cold storage for a day so some yeast floats down? FG is at 1.000 (maybe less).