
Does anyone know if this stuff has an expiration date if stored properly?

Does the package mention anything?

Some opinions here:

I don’t currently have any in my stocks and have only used it in wine making. I do not remember ever seeing an expiration date or “Use Before” label, hence the question. Interesting read . . thanks for the link. 4 to 8 weeks ain’t much, especially if there is no “Born On” date!

You could use Gelatine. To my opinion it is easier to use.

BioFine Clear A3 - stuff is $12 a liter, stores indefinitely, doesn’t need prepared and works better than any fining agent I have ever used. beer looks filtered after 2-3 days. Also vegan friendly, if any one cares.

So long fish guts . . . Hello BioFine!

So Keith . . Where does one procure a liter of BioFine Clear A3 for $12?

I getine through brewers supply group but I think Crosby and Baker has it.

Crosby & Baker was purchased with Brewers supply group. I saw Weyermann prices went down. Not sure if it will be reflected in LHBS prices.

What is the dosage of Biofine Clear A3 per BBL?
I was looking at it but did not switch yet.
It is great to hear positive feedback.

The dosage is “broad” to say the least. I don’t have the bottle in front of me (but i have had a frontal lobotomy) I believe it is 19 - 180 ml per bbl. I have been cutting baack from 100 ml to 60 ml per bbl with very clear results. great stuff.

Thank you.

And we put this in where in the process? Into a secondary? Or at kegging…does it allow for transportation or would that stir things up again?

Looking at the bottle label from one homebrew store, you mix it in when transferring to secondary. Though I don’t know what you do if you don’t secondary. (I also noted that the bottle label has one dosage while the description lists another…)

Think I’d go with the dosage on the product label . . .

One more question. Well two more :slight_smile:
Would you put it into FV when you are done fermenting with yeast still present?
If yes would it have any negative effects in re-itching with this yeast?

I have found it in the BSG catalog.
1 liter  is $19.
4 liters is $50.

What effect does Biofine have on chill haze?  Same as gelatin or polyclar?

I’m not sure it has much effect on protein haze. Works well on yeast haze though.