But I want to. Everything I read sounds like it would be a beer I would be into, and most of all, my Idaho beer wuss friends. So, what are some decent commercial examples I couldd pick up at the beer store?
I’ve never been to Spain … but in spite of that fact one of the more widely available imported versions is Riesdorf Kolsch. Hundreds of brewpubs make them, some good examples, some bad. Not sure what you may have in your area.
Gaffel is often available.
My local brewery makes an awesome one (Der Chancellor) but he is draft only right now, otherwise I’d send you some.
I like Alaska Summer Ale. It might not be a true Kolsch, but it is a nice beer IMO.
I’ve had Gaffel and Reissdorf but if you can’t find them here are the commercial examples as per the BJCP.
Available in Cologne only: PJ Früh, Hellers, Malzmühle, Paeffgen, Sion, Peters, Dom; import versions available in parts of North America: Reissdorf, Gaffel; Non-German versions: Eisenbahn Dourada, Goose Island Summertime, Alaska Summer Ale, Harpoon Summer Beer, New Holland Lucid, Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower, Capitol City Capitol Kölsch, Shiner Kölsch
Sunner Kolsch if you can find it.
I think a kolsch is similar to a Blonde ale but with more flavor. Drinks like a lager. Easygoing beer, one can drink a lot of them.
They’re a hell of a lot of fun to brew! If you can’t find any locally, brewing it is always an option ;D
Oh I definatly will be brewing one. Just want to tery one before I spend the time and money on it. I’ll the Alaskan, as I know i’v seen it in Idaho, several times. (beings how Major did not offer to send me a cornie of his world famous. : )
I’ve never had oatmeal stout, or IPA, or brown, or barley wine, or Imperial red, or lambic, or gueze, or American Wheat, or any other kind of beer for that matter. Feel free to send me samples. ;D
Brew it… you’ll like it. In fact, it’ll cure you from ever wanting to try lagering.
Too late, I lager. Dang it. The wait is brutal.
I’ve been to Köln and Spain, they’re both great. We don’t get Gaffel, but Sünner is available and Reissdorf is very common, often on tap. The Cambridge Brewing Company has a Kölsch as one of their house beers.
Sünner and Reissdorf seem to be pretty good examples of the range of yeast character seen in Kölsch. The Sünner is relatively neutral and essentially tastes like a mock Helles made with a neutral ale yeast. Reissdorf really shows the distinctive ester profile of the Kölsch yeast. I can’t say I find the character of that yeast very pleasant when accentuated, since it would be an off-flavor in another beer, so I prefer Sünner. Lagaring/aging will significantly mellow that character if you prefer it cleaner tasting.
When using the Kölsch yeast, watch out for its tendency to throw sulfur and acetaldehyde and take the appropriate precautions and remediation.
Never had the Sunner; I’ll have to look for it. Reissdorf is good if it’s fresh. Tastes very much like the better examples. I could see the Gaffel occasionally but I thought it had too “hard” of a taste. Not sure what it is, but it lacked the delicacy and finesse of the best ones. It’s a pale beer, so it can go off. Watch for signs of age if purchasing the imports.
One of the best domestic ones I had was from a Rock Bottom brewpub in Indianapolis. It was absolutely stunning. Just like a fresh Fruh. So if you have a local place that makes them well, be thankful. That’s basically how they should be enjoyed. I respect CBC beers, so I’ll have to look for that one next time I visit the old alma mater.
I go thorough the MSPairport quite often, where they have a Rockbottom. Never seen the Kolsh there. Of course, I am pretty distracted by the IPA and pulled pork. Tonight, I picked up a bottle of Reisdorff. I’m waitng for the peppers in oil flavor to leave my mouth before I break it open.
The Muehlen Koelsch was my favorite, due to some nice hop aromas, remember thinking “Hallertau Mittlefrueh” at the time. Or maybe it was the outstanding pork dish we had for lunch, I recommend that place if you are doing a tour of Koeln. Malzmuehle is the place, translates to malt mill.
The wife would often get Dom Koelsch around where we lived. I must confess that I am more of a Pils guy.
If you don’t lager your Kölsch, how will you get it clear?
Yeah, the CBC and Will Meyers both rock. Their Kölsch (they call it Regatta Golden) is typically very fresh because it turns over quickly and similar to Reissdorf.
They way they do in Koeln, filtration.
JUst drank my first kolsh. It official. I heart kolsh. :D
No, to get me a recipe, and brew it up.
EDIT : fixed stupid typing mistake.
Hot kolsch? Not for me, thanks!