What’s it going to take to get my BJCP to inlude Alaskan Brewing Co’s Summer - Kolsch Style Ale as a Classic Example?
Aul Chidden aside, I kinda like this beer. Came in a variety pack for non deciders like me. Anyone esle try it yet?
What’s it going to take to get my BJCP to inlude Alaskan Brewing Co’s Summer - Kolsch Style Ale as a Classic Example?
Aul Chidden aside, I kinda like this beer. Came in a variety pack for non deciders like me. Anyone esle try it yet?
I asked about commercial examples because Gordon said they’re trying to reduce examples in the guidelines. He said their reducing examples because beers change and inclusion in the guidelines is rigid. They want to build an online database with more style examples and notes (like how that particular beer compares to an ‘ideal’ version). Seems like a good idea. I’d like to see more examples - especially ones by regional breweries and regular seasonal releases.
And you’ve go the wrong ‘o’ there.
I think its a Kòrean Ò. I can’t figure out my tablet…
I think the Alaskan Summer is not bad, I was curious about how Kolsch ALE would fly. Probably would open a can of worms and a nine page debate there