Jack Daniels Oak Porter aged in in carboy one year--should I bottle?

This  has been in the carboy in a cold dark closet since august of 2009. Should I just throw it out or attempt to bottle?  Also for a porter how muchcorn sugar should I use to bottle a 5 gallon batch?

Assuming the beer hasn’t been on the yeast for the last year, I certainly wouldn’t throw it out!
As far as the amount of corn sugar to use, 4-5 oz  should be enough.
Since it has been sitting so long, you might want to add some (5gm or so) rehydrated dry yeast to the bottling bucket along with the sugar.

Bottle it,  all you have to lose is a bit of sugar, a bit of yeast (add a little fresh yeast), and time.


Smell it and tast it first…if it smells and tastes good…bottle it. :wink:

Agreed with all of the above, although I’d bottle it no matter what it tastes like or if it’s been sitting on the yeast the whole time.  Until it’s carbonated and cool, you don’t really know if you’ll like it or not.

I agree.  If it doesn’t make you puke when you smell or taste it, bottle away.  Cheers!!!