To my beautiful wife, Holly. I really think I’m married to the greatest girl on earth. We have so much fun together. She has the kindest, warmest heart. A great sense of humor, and she really puts up with me. She’s even wanting to help me brew a batch of porter next weekend. Even understands me. Seems like since I got back from my last trip from Ohio, to work, for some reason, we’ve gotten so much closer. I just can’t think of much better than those mornings we sit on the poarch of the mancave together, drinking our coffee. Even a trip to the gorcery store. Fixining meals together, eating together, and spending time thanking our creator. Going to sleep each night with her next to me, and waking up in the morning by her. I’m in the middle of a pretty intense two weeks right now (for respect of board rules I will not go into what) and each evening when I get home, she there waiting for me. I’m really a fortunate guy. I just felt the need to push all my macho crap aside, and tell the world how I feel about her. Now, back to the beer and ass-hattery. Thank you for listening.
Life is so much better when we have someone to share it with. I can definitely understand. Thankfully, my wife is somewhat similiar to yours in that she supports me in what I do not only as a homebrewer but also as a musician and a husband. I gotta give her a lot of credit for putting up with me for all of these years. She’s the best.
Cheers to all the supportive significant others out there. I know my wife makes my life exponentially more enjoyable.
My wife and I will be a lot better off when she finishes her MS in Community Health Nursing this fall ::). But after 30 years together we’re basically one person and life is just better when we’re together.
I think all your wives are hot. I’m snakin’ on your moms too. :-*
Cheers to weaze and what he has expressed. Double cheers to my lovely wife. I couldn’t imagine life without her!
I think Major expressed best, what we were all thinking.
Tell Holly I lost her phone number… ;D
I’ll just say +1. Amen brother.
I’m so happy for you Brother!
So I told my wife that I had to go to the GABF to sign books, and she said “that’s right before our anniversary, and I’ve always wanted to go to the GABF, so do you want to do that as an anniversary trip?”
I said, “let me get this straight. you’re asking me if I can take you to the GABF for our 25th anniversary?”
Another lucky guy, right here.
I’d tell you she’s a keeper, but after 25 years it sounds like you already figured that out.
wait, you get to take her to the gabf or have to take her ;D
I had you pegged for a wild man. ;D
+2. I lost her number as well.
Funny thing is, due to a “clerical error” on the part of the Weaze, 1Vert had been texting her. He told me the other day in text that he had been texting Holly. I just laughed thinknig it was the same ole’ joke. A little later, Holly asks me who 1Vert is! LMAO!!
You should post her number here so we can all cross reference it and make sure we have the right one.