So I need to send this out to people that will understand how awesome it is. I’m getting married in August for more reasons to count, but suffice it to say that she is top notch. Prove it you say. Valentine’s Day was a temperature controller and accroutrements that were above the agreed upon spending limit. While I was thankful and thrilled with the gift there was a firm talk about adhering to the budget, after all we have a wedding pay for! Apparently undeterred, she recruited my brother and sister-in-law to go in with her for the mill so can proudly say she stayed within the budget for my birthday this week. Maybe she is off the charts great, perhaps she is tired of sampling substandard beer or it could be a little bit of both. Regardless of the reasons and the gifts I appreciate my biggest supporter and critic. Cheers to you J!
Under modern guidelines, the 10 year anniversary is diamond jewelry…maybe she’s setting you up ;D
Don’t worry…every one carries 3-4 mortgages these days
Seriously, having the support of your spouse is great. Congrats on the upcoming nuptials!
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! It looks like she loves you enough to bless you greatly and to keep her word and stay within the budget. I am so happy for the both of you.
Congrats !
You are a lucky man indeed. My wife completely supports my hobby, and she thinks I make the best beer in the world. What more could a guy want? Congratulations!
My lady never knows what to get me. She asked I setup a private pinterest board for things I want/need. She looked at and told me she has no idea what any of the stuff is and it was zero help.
My favorite response - “A spoon? You really want a 24” metal spoon?"
That’s funny, my wife gave me the exact same line once. Things kind of came around full circle - I used to make wish lists for her for brewing stuff, and had to exchange around half for the stuff I actually wanted. No big deal, no way she should’ve known. Now she normally just gets me a gift card to the LHBS. Works for me ;).
We’re kind of past the gift point. Now she says, “just get what you need or want when you need or want it.” It takes the guess work out of it, and ensures that I’ll have what I need. It really is the best gift: freedom–within reason, of course–to simply buy what I need.
Yeah Frank I’m sort of in that boat. As long as it’s “for the wedding” there aren’t really a lot of questions asked so long as it is within reason. Thanks for the wishes everyone.
Congrats! Just had my 16 year anniversary… My wife let me order a new chest freezer to double my keezer capacity today AND move it in the house. I gotta brew her something special.
Just pulled the first pint of the ISA and JJ enthusiastically approved. Might have to keep looking for equipment “for the wedding” and all.

Just pulled the first pint of the ISA and JJ enthusiastically approved. Might have to keep looking for equipment “for the wedding” and all.
haha, I too am brewing for my wedding and have sourced some equipment “for the wedding” sure has helped my budding keg collection.
And congrats the the OP! Its great to have the support of your other half.