just made soft pretzels...

To go with my hefe weizen. My life will never be the same.

That is all.

Zymurgy had an article on pretzel making back in 2002. I believe it was by Herr Renner. Set my feet on the pretzel making path.

I’m in doppelbock/pretzel mode these days.  YUM!

No no no you don’t get to do that. More info pics something.

Jeff’s pretzel recipe is amazingly awesome and he let me put it on the Falcons website (http://archive.maltosefalcons.com/food/jeffrennerspretzels.php)

And the best one’s I’ve ever done I’ made with Spaten Optimator as the liquid!

Mine is my homebrewed doppelbock, “Generator” (formulated in my power plant days).
Alas, much more goes into me than the pretzels.

Saturday afternoon porn. Jefe Weazen,  pretzel, and spinach dip.

I love it! ;D

For soft brezlin (German for Pretzel) you need some Obadza. Do a search.  It will fill you up, and clog the artieries.  I love it.  Butter, soft stinky cheese, paprika, and some onions on the side.  Killer with a good lager.

Jefe Weazen = the boss is out of breath?  :wink:

Tasty lookin’ brezlin there weaz!

Now were these made by the weaze or did weaze buy them and heat them up?

Made by Weaze, knotted by the Weazette.

Man…that looks marvelous Weaz!

Nice job Holly!

I 'm kind of fond of the serving tray you used.

Just noticed that a few minutes ago.  The food is arranged so the logo is visible.  Or maybe that jsut happened.  :slight_smile:

It was thoughtfully arranged. Many thanks to my friend Ann who got it for. (she also made the sign for me in the background, and provided a lot of other cool crap for the mancave)