Pretzel night! (and accompaniments)

During the holidays, my family has a whole series of meal traditions, especially for foods of more time-consuming preparation. We kicked it off this year with Pretzel Night – homemade pretzels, grilled brats, homemade sauerkraut and mustard, and homebrewed märzen! (perhaps one of these years we’ll make our own bratwurst, but for now that’s the only store-bought aspect of the meal).
For those who are looking for good recipes for any of those, we use the King Arthur Flour pretzel recipe (my wife used 25% wheat flour). The mustard is a spicy brown version, which I modified from some online recipes out there…my own version is available at the link for any who are interested. I haven’t found a commercial mustard that matches it – this fresh stuff has a fantastic horseradish quality that I absolutely love.
The märzen is one I’ve had on tap for awhile, and it is now at the “sublime” stage. I’m always a little impatient, but it’s also interesting to see how the beer comes into its own.


Everything looks great! I’m jealous.

Merry Christmas.


Andy you had me at pretzels and I love how you are upping the game to pair with homebrewed Marzen and brats. Your photos make me thirsty and hungry.

Also the AHA has game in recipes for both pretzels and Marzen and would love to include yours in the mix. Here is where to submit.

George Costanza Pretzel GIF

Cheers to a great New Year, Julia


Hi all

That looks delicious…

If interested, check out my bavarian pretzels on instructables…
They look and taste like from a Bavarian bakery…

Bavarian Pretzels


I’ve used Jeff Renner’s pretzel recipe for years now (see Julia’s links to Zymurgy) I substitute the water with a bock for some extra kick and I really, really recommend trying a lye bath for the initial dip. I find the results to be much better than a baking soda bath. Yes, lye is dangerous if you’re reckless, but if you keep it sane and safe, it’s worth the extra care.

I second Drew’s comments on using lye. I get much better results and less mess, ironically, with lye than baking soda. Just remember your lab rules (lye into water, wear good gloves, eye protection, and don’t splash) and you’ll be fine.

I use Alton Brown’s recipe (just google “Alton Brown Pretzel Recipe” if interested.
