You’ve all inspired me to order some rhizomes. I ordered 4 Centennial, 4 Fuggle and 4 Magnum from Left Fields Hop Farms out in BC. We shall have to see how things go but after reading Denny’s comment about 1 plant, I’m thinking perhaps I was a bit ambitious.
Can’t wait to start harvesting my non-dry, non-stale hop cones ('cause I don’t want to get caught up in the wet/fresh debate).
They’re actually pretty easy to contain as long as you pay attention. You can give them 2-3 years in the ground and then just dig the whole crown up, prune and plunk it back. If you let them go any more than about 3 years you’ll probably need like a 12 pack for the whole job. It’s all about being outside and homegrown, nothing like it! Hop On!