We are currently in the process of releasing both of those strains in the 11.5g sachets. The first to be released will be the K-97 and in a few months we will be releasing the S-189 (we are working on the packaging and SKUs). We will also be introducing Safcider in a home size sachet (most likely a 5g) for home cider making.
I am not sure what the expected dates are for the release, but they will be in 2015 some time. Please be on the look out for the new home brewing and cider making strains.
Yes, it’s a great all around lager strain. It ferments great at cold temps, 48-50, unlike some dry lager strains which seem to work better at warmer temps. very clean, very low diacetyl producer and drops bright.
That’s good. I know that Atlantic Brewing Supply has S-189, I hope other homebrew shops get it. I like Saflager 34/70 as well. Will be good to have more options for dry yeast.
S-189 is the Samichlaus (Santa Claus) yeast strain. The strain was developed by Albert Hürlimann. It can handle big lagers. S-189 is WLP885 in dry form.
I believe this is a German ale strain that is great for altbier. I hope it is good for kolsch too but assume it may not be as appropriate for both. Others with have to chime in with more information…
I haven’t tried it yet but my notes (based on recent review of many interwebs reviews) say it’s nearly equivalent to Wyeast 1007 altbier yeast but perhaps accentuates the malt flavor even more than 1007. Sounds good to me!
Yep. S-189 for the maltier stuff, 34/70 for drier stuff. But it’s not a hard line…either can be used either way. It’s more that each has qualities that will enhance a certain style, but not make it unsuitable for another style.
I was doing some experiments with S-189 about a year ago and found it tended to finish a touch higher than my standard lager yeast at the same dough in temp. To achieve the same attenuation with S-189 (and the dryness I liked in my lagers) I needed to mash a little lower and a little longer.
Last winter I brewed a pilsner with the 34/70 and got 84% attenuation, and a marzen with the S-189 and got 78% attenuation. Both turned out real good and I will be using both again.
Doing my first lager with 34/70 as we speak. It is a dark lager very similar to a schwarzbier. Luckily it is 6F outside right now so I shouldn’t have any issues getting ferment temp down. Probably going to run it around 55F.
From the sounds of it, I would prefer this to 189 for most styles. I am excited to give the K97 a shot for various styles…
So a follow up to this thread…and a year later they still have not released these yeasts for retail sale. It’s puzzling to me as they’re already being produced in 500g sachets, so I’m not sure what the delay is all about.
Are these being produced in 11.5g sachets, or is just the repacked 500g packs all that’s available? I cannot find them anywhere.