Kegerator question

Ok so I’m switching from my old fridge to my old kitchen side by side with Ice maker / water dispenser. I know I have seen it done before but I don’t know where or what to search for. I want to turn the dispensers into the taps for my brew. Has anyone ever done this or know what I’m looking for?

I suppose you could transition ball lock fittings onto the water line.  At the same time I’m thinking of the cliche just because you can doesn’t mean you should

Every SxS I’ve ever seen [and I’ve seen and sold a bunch of 'em] has the dispenser on the freezer side, with the line for dispensed water running up through the bottom hinge of the freezer door. I’m curious whether or not you were planning on using this line [which is insulated from freezing temperatures] to dispense your liquid gold, or if you were thinking of having you lines and your keggles in the freezer section. If so then you’ll need to maintain above freezing temps in the freezer section, which will leave you with the larger fresh food section pretty warm, unless you do some serious Frankensteining of the unit. Unless of course I’m overlooking something obvious - which does happen frequently.

I own 2 side by side refrigerators. Both have a coil of water line in the fridge section. See below pic.

My guess is this coil is very long to allow lots of cold water to be stored in the fridge and dispensed at a single serving.

If I wanted to serve beer from the water dispenser I would cut the line already in the fridge and connect to a liquid quick disconnect which then connects to the keg out. I would keep the total length of water line to 10-12’ max (much less than the length of the coil in the back of the fridge).

I am not sure of the inner diameter of the water line, but, if it is not what you need I am sure you could buy an adapter. This may be another issue if the line has large diameter. In this case you could use a longer length or place a stir stick in the dip tube to try and decrease foam.

As some of the line may run outside of the cold provided from the fridge you may end up with foaming problems.

I like my taps better.  I say save the water dispenser for water for when you need it in the brewery.

Thanks for all the useful information Ale, Yeah Im just going to drill out new tap holes in the fridge side and run it like I did before. I have to figure out how to get water to the water line as my garage does not have a faucet in it.

If your hot water heater is in the garage you can buy a kit to add a T to that line and get water that way.