So I was working on installing some no weld thermometers into my keggle and I drilled the hole too large. So now the thermometer just slips through and is not a water tight seal, even with O-ring. I did a 1 inch hole when I think I should have done a 7/8 inch hole. :o
Does anyone know of a product or trick that could shrink down the hole or provide a water tight seal? Or should I go out and buy another keg/keggle?
The only idea I had atm was to get a large washer with a 7/8 hole and weld it to the keggle over my 1 inch hole.
Currently when I connect everything the high temp gaskets will touch each other and not form a water tight seal. Should I be looking for thicker gaskets or washers? The washer I have are big enough to prevent the thermometer from just slipping out.
I would sandwich the kettle wall between two thick flat silicone washers and with stainless washers holding those in place. Stainless washers are the bread, silicone washers are mayo and mustard, and kettle wall is the meat.