Thermometer location on keggle


I recently purchased some keggles and I need to install a weld-less thermometer on them. I was wondering where is the best place to install the thermometer?

Currently I am mostly doing 5 gallon recipes and I feel like the thermometer should be close to the bottom of the keggle, similar to the ball valve but just on the different side of the keggle. I have heard that it should higher on the keggle to avoid incorrect readings.

Any tips/knowledge someone could share with me?


Mine is right above the drain.  Since the drain already interferes with stirring it makes sense to me to not have two items preventing me from stirring.

You want it as far away from your burner as possible while still keeping it well submerged. If you intend to brew mostly five gallon batches, I’d recommend about 3.5 gallon mark.

Thanks for the feedback.

I guess another question now is there any trick/tips for marking the keggle? Do I just fill it with X amount of water and put a dent/scratch there?

I use blue painters tape for most layout work, but a sharpie works well too.  I just find the volume/height that I want inside the Keg and then measure from the nearest chime (bump in the keg) and then just measure and mark on the outside. Several other things to keep in mind are.

  1. the lowest chime will interfere with/limit placement as well. make sure to keep enough distance to allow ALL hardware rest flat on keg.
  2. most kegs have had a hard life before becoming keggles so it pays to feel around and make sure your desired location doesnt have any dings or waves that will interfere with a good fit
    3.the reputation of stainless as being tough to drill is well deserved. if you have not done this before do your homework and follow the rules. It is a PAIN in the you know what for sure…

Thanks for the tips.

I took a stab at drilling the hole myself yesterday and soon said, “The hell with this.” I going to go to a buddy’s house this week to get some assistance since he has experience cutting metal.

Well that stinks, yeah its a beast for sure, I went through about 1.5 batteries per hole, and drilled each hole in two to four “intervals”. that is to say I would drill some and walk away. It is hard to hold all that pressure/stay bent over for the time it takes to get the hole drilled. It also allows time for the bit/metal to cool which is good. If you want to talk details of drilling I’m game/ask away. However if you want to leave it to your buddy make sure he has does this at a minimum. Drill a pilot hole 1/8 or bigger before attempting to use step bit. use oil and add oil often. super slow speed. LOTS of pressure. Good luck man!! its rough but can be done!

I went to my buddy’s house and got the holes cut. Took two hole cutting drill bits but got it done. Just need to file it down and install the thermometers.