Kick Carrageenan or Whirlfloc tablets

For general purposes, brewing ales, with extract kits, is Kick Carrageenan, or Whirlfloc, the better clarifier?  Are both equally good for ales, no matter what type of ale?  Thanks in advance.

This is timely.  I have been using whirfloc tablets for a very long time… 15+ years.  I just brewed last Sunday and used Kick for the first time.  It looks like a WF tablet but half the thickness and it’s a little more “white” where the WF is sort of off-white.  One Whirfloc tablet is supposed to be for 10-12 gallons according to the info that Denny got from the manufacturer.  One Kick tablet is for 5 gallons.  I got very clear wort with the Kick tablet.  It was no clearer than my wort with WF but it was equally clear.  I can’t remember who suggested Kick here but thank you… I like it, I got less schputz in the kettle and the wort was clear.  I got the Kick at MoreBeer.  Cheers.

After using Whirlfloc for several years I started using the Kick tablets and have used them for about the last 20 batches. I’m getting the same results and like the fact that a Kick tablet is the right dose for my batch size.

I was the one who suggested it. I get them at MoreBeer and appreciate that they are sized for 5 gallon batches. I haven’t noticed any difference between Whirlfloc and Kick.

I stopped using any form of kettle finings except BTB years ago and didn’t notice any difference in the final product. I haven’t used BTB in a while either.

I’ve only used Irish moss in the boil not sure which method is better.

Thanks, one and all, for the helpful replies.  I haven’t used either type of clarifier before, though I know many brewers wouldn’t brew without them.  I too got the Kick Carageenan through More Beer!  Given the support for the five-gallon specifications with the KC, and no strong preference for Whirlfoc, I’m going to buy some KC for future batches. Appreciate the help.

Pretty much all the same in terms of results.  They’re all effective.  Take your pick.

I used Irish Moss for some amount of time (I might actually still have some…) but I thought the WF created a clearer wort.  But I suppose there are variables (chill time, time allowed for things to settle, temp of the chill, etc).  Nice to have options.

I one split a batches between IM and WF.  Couldn’t tell the difference.

Mmm, good to know.

Just another word of thanks for all these helpful perspectives.  I wish the KC were more readily available, but sounds like it’s probably worth the hunt–and the price!