Lack of hoppiness?

Just tapped an APA that is really lacking in hop aroma and flavor.  I experimented with this hop bill as follows:
1 oz Cascade FWH
.75 oz Horizon @20 min
.5 oz Horizon @15 min
.5 oz Horizon @ 10 min
.5 oz Centennial @5 min
1 oz Cascade @ 2 min
.5 oz Centennial @ 0 min

This is a 1.058 APA with 73% American 2 row, 9% Munich, and some wheat malt and caramel malts.  I used a hop spider for the first time on this brew (only have 3 hop bags).  Is this just not enough late hops?  Will dry hopping help the aroma or am I just stuck with a ho-hum APA?


Dry hopping will help and is recommended. My question is: how is the bittering level?

Agree with Martin, dry hopping is key. Humans can only taste a handful of different flavors, but can identify hundreds of aromas.

Bitterness is OK.  Promash has it at 46.2 IBU’s- it seems a little lower but I didn’t want too much.  I’m leaning toward an oz of Centennial in the keg.


I agree on the dry hops. Only other thing I can think of is did you add any gypsum? I find sometimes that if the bittering is too soft then some of the hops flavor becomes muted.

How much crystal malt did you add?  A lot of crystal will balance the flavor toward that malt and require addition of more hops for the hop presence to be noticed.  With hoppy beer, I have pulled way back on the use of crystal to let the hops shine.