I like lacto in beer. I brewed a Berliner Weisse last year. I just pitched a Wyeast pure lacto culture about 24 hours before the yeast and enjoyed the result. I am getting ready to make another one. But I have a few questions about the lactobacillus:
1.) What should I use as the food for the lacto in a starter? Juice or Malt? How long do I let it ‘start’?
2.) Can I freeze some lactobacillus? Maybe with some glycerin?
I wan to make a starter to keep this stuff around, because I would like to use it more often. Wyeast states that their lactobacillus has an alcohol tolerance of 9%. But some people on homebrew forums like to say 2-3% - anyone have any anecdotal evidence? I know about the IBUs and lacto death dance. I’d like to use the lacto & yeast cake from the BW to make another less-sour beer (no lacto head start).
Thanks in advance,