I brewed a Munich Hells yesterday with an o.g. of 1.056 A little highbut I dont mind. I used wyeast Bavarian Lager 2206 and made a three quart starter the night before. I pitched the yeast at 62 deg and moved the carboy into a hallway for a few hours at 56 deg then moved it to a 48-50 deg basement. It’s been over 24 hours and I haven’t seen any signs of fermentation did I shock the yeast by moving it to the cold basement? Or should I not worry and just wait? Usually I leave it at around 60 deg and moved when fermentaion becomes evident I figured I would try to have it ferment at the colder temp from the get go. How long should I wait before trying to add new yeast or should I move it into warmer temps to try to start fermentation.
Thanks in advance
First thing that jumps out is that it’s usually a better idea to pitch low and allow the wort to rise to your desired fermentation temperature - you kinda did the opposite. Second thing is that, according to MrMalty, a three liter starter is only about one third of as much as you should have made…
In any case, with what you’ve done, I’d probably give it another 24 hours and see what happens.
No personal experience with this situation, but given that you’re still in the “lag phase”, you may want to aerate the wort or inject some O2 into the wort to encourage further yeast growth. Sometimes brewers do this (aerate or oxygenate 12-24 hours after pitching) for high gravity worts. I don’t know if this is a good idea for underpitched yeast. It is what we do when we are doing yeast starters, though. Someone can come along and advise as to whether this is a good idea or not.
Personally I would have pitched more yeast, but you at least made a starter so you should be fine. Its not unusual for lagers to have a 48-72 hour lag and turn out tasting just fine. Just let it sit. You might aerate it again if you feel your first attempt missed the mark. Lagers not only need 2Xs the yeast as ales, they also require more aeration than ales.
It’s been over 40 hours but the blow off tube is starting to bubble No visible sign in the fermenter yet (krausen rising bubbles or movement yet) but at least I know co2 is being produced. I did move it to a slightly warmer location 55 deg and will move it back when fermentation gets going to the 48-50 deg basement. I did give the carboy a few shakes yesterday so that may have added more o2. I’ve never had this long of lag time with a 3 qt starter but like I said I usually keep it warm until I see fermentation starting then move it. I decided to try starting cold lesson learned. More yeast and reduce everything to pitching temp first.
I did some research on Mr Malty and he compares wyeast with white labs. Wyeast 2206 is the same as white labs 820 the reviews on white labs are all consistent that the yeast is an extremely slow starter it’s nice to read reviews of people experiencing the same thing i’m going through. I was staying away from wlp820 because of the reviews of how slow it was. I wish I had known 2206 was the same yeast I would have chosen differently. The thing is I made a dopplebock in December and it took off within hours it finished a little higher than anticipated but not too far off. It’s the reason I chose the yeast again. patience no beer will be made before it’s time I guess. I need to start harvesting yeast to increase my pitching rates.
I wouldn’t worry about the slow start. I’ve had lagers take 72 hours on the first gen from a starter and never had a problem. I would be more concerned about underpitching and starting the fermentation off on the warm side. Even then, the beer will probably turn out fine. Save the slurry and pitch it in your next batch.
I think that strain is one (of many, really) that’s slow on the first pitch and improves in subsequent generations.
Just an update if anyone is interested. From 1/15/11 to 1/28/11 the yeast went from1.056 to 1.016 and is still showing some signs of fermentation. I must say it never appeared to be working very hard but has done the job. I moved it to warmer temps for a diacetyl rest and will soon move it to colder temps to lager