Lager and Frozen Beer

Hello Everyone,

I just started the lagering process and didn’t monitor my temperature correctly and the beer is frozen. What can I do at this point?

Thank you.


You can either separate the beer from the ice and have a Eisbock or let it warm up and settle again. No worries either way. Ive done that also.


Let it thaw and you’ll be fine.

Thanks for the positive replies. I read something online about pitching yeast again and others saying no necessary.

Thank you, again.


How far along was the fermentation when you started lagering?

Was the beer fermenting or lagering? If it was fermenting it might be a good idea to pitch some dry lager yeast to be safe. If it was done fermenting and in the lagering stage then just warm it back up.

I’ve (accidentally) frozen my beer in the keg more times than I care to admit. It turns out fine after thawing.