lager starters cooled?

Do you grow your starters at room temps or are they grown at ferm temps?

Room temp.  You’re just making more yeast, not beer.

Rooms temps are fine. You are growing yeast, not making beer, so you will be good at room temp. You definitely want to pitch the starter cold, into cold wort, however.

edit: dang, david beat me to it.  ;D

Room temp then crash cool and dump off the funky stuff before you pitch.

Pretty much what was already said. I ferment them at what ever temp my cellar is at, which right now happens to be 60F. I also crash cool then decant and add fresh wort a few hours prior to pitching. I also like to pitch the starter slurry a few degrees below the wort temp.

A rep from Wyeast has attended our last few club meetings. Last month he mentioned ale and lager starters should be run at 70*.