Lager Starters

For all you regular lager brewers out there, what is your typical starter size and number of vials/packs of yeast for an average 1.050 OG wort (5.0 gal or 10.0 gal batch, please specify)? Further, do you to determine, another source?


Whatever says is what I do.

2.5 to 3 quarts or liters is enough for 5 gallons of the average lager at 1.050.  I don’t use Mr. Malty.  Get great results and save time and effort and money.  And while we’re on that topic… try the dry W-34/70, and you’ll really save big time and effort… but maybe not so much money anymore since they raised prices (gouging).

For 5 gal. of an average gravity lager, I use a 3 qt. starter.

Same here

I’ve found that all my strains grow 100-150 billion cells per liter in an 8°P stirred starter. So about 3 L for 5 gal at normal gravity.

I use I typically make a step up starter. Two quarts, crash/decant, and step up to 3qt. I don’t feel anything less is enough. I like to make sure I have a really good healthy pitch of yeast, especially since I like to pitch cold (45F) and let rise to 48-50.
But since these “big boys” are pitching much less than I am, perhaps I’ll give it a go on my next lager. I usually only do the starter once and plan to repitch harvested yeast for successive batches.

Forgot to mention, but that’s the same for me.

I don’t have a stir plate.  I make a 2 qt. (final volume) starter with 8 oz. of light DME. I pitch into it either a smack-pack of WY2124 (34/70), a packet of W-34/70 rehydrated dry yeast or about 200 ml of slurry from the last batch.  Put it in a 1 gal. jug and shake the hell out of it.  10-16 hours later when it’s at or near high krausen, I cool it to 48-50 F and pitch the whole starter into 5.5 gal. of wort to make 6 gal. in the fermenter.  Active fermentation 8-12 hours later.