Lallemand Koln Yeast

I recently bought a pack of Lallemand Koln yeast. I brewed three beers with it; a Kölsch, an Amber, and a blonde. I was really surprised how quickly the beer cleared and conditioned and was ready to drink. Since the dry version is no longer available, is there a liquid version of this yeast?


You might get something close using Wyeast 1007 but it is probably not exact.


Boy do I agree! I was lucky and bought the remaining packs at Braumarkt in Hamburg a month or so ago. I brewed a Kolsch with it and plan to make slants and harvest it. I really liked it. I found that the Imperial Dieter would have a light banana ester not detectable by everyone, but if you are sensitive to it you will get that in the aroma…took too long to fade out, Kolsch is one of those fresh beers…


What temperature did you ferment Dieter at to get the banana? (Just curious, because my local shop carries it, and I am also looking for a liquid substitute for Koln)

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I wish I could find the data…I fermented at the lower end of the recommended for sure, and even made a starter. I let it rise with about 3 P to go.

I emailed Imperial, sent them all my data at the time, and they sent out new packs…

I live in Florida tho, so I believe the yeast may have been stressed in transit…

With a starter and lower fermentation temperature, it sounds like you covered all of the bases! This is good to know.
I’ve used the White Labs WLP029 strains in a kolsch recipe, and was fairly happy with that. Maybe that will be my go-to…otherwise, it’s K-29. On the plus side, I have a few more packets of Lallemand, so should get at least another year of kolsch brewing out of it!

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