Last three batches terrible

Been brewing for a couple years now,  all grain. Last three batches have had this off flavor I can’t really explain. Its almost like an alcoholic flavor but also taste like metal. Beer is fermenting in a fermentation chamber I control all the temps etc…esb, Belgian pale, and rye saison…they all have the same off flavor. Im about to give up I have no idea whats causing this flavor. Any suggestions?

Do you do anything to dechlorinate your water?  I know Eugene spikes the chlorine levels (they may even use chloramine) at times.

I filter all my water. Using the ones that connect to your faucet and run through the filter and out the other side

Does it remove chlorine?  I understand that you need to run the water very slowly to do that.  Want me to taste some for you?

I just tasted the water after filtering it…taste perfect no taste what so ever. If I don’t filter it I can taste chlorine. I also tested two thermometers side by side like we talked about and they are ±1 degree so therms are accurate

Damn…you’re not making this easy!  :wink:

Seriously. I know. Is there any way that opening the carboy too many times can do this. I run gravity reading a couple times around weeks 3-4

I do the same, although with a bucket, and it’s never been a problem.  If you can get some to me, I’d be happy to tell you what I detect.

Ok ill let you know. I have no beer to taste its all in carboys but we’ll be in touch

could it be too much iron in the water? I have no idea if those filters take out iron.

The water taste totally fine

Could your municipality have switched from chlorine to chloramine?  Most of them seem to be going that route and, while you can’t taste the difference, chloramines are much harder to get rid of with just filtering.

I had a rash of metallic notes a few years back and located their source to a post ferment use of copper tubing. Any recent changes to your equipment, method whatnot…?

I’ve also had hops throw metallic flavors.

No change in equipment

Even if the water tastes fine to you, it could still have chlorine in it. It may not be as simple as what the water tastes like before you brew. Chlorine or chloramines may not be at taste threshold - but the yeast react to them chemically and produce phenols.

It may have nothing to do with chlorine/chloramines but I would base it on a chlorine test, not you taste of the water.

I had to stop using willamette hops because of perceived metallic flavors, both by me and by judges in competitions.  It seems unlikely that you would have used the same hop variety in these three styles, but it is worth mentioning.

We will see I guess …I dont think its hops. Used all different. Water checks out ok. Im just going to try and brew my way through it

Not sure what kind of equipment that you use, but do you tear down everything and clean after each batch? I have Blichmann 3 piece ball valves and you’d be surprised what can find it’s way in there but thankful that I can easily take it apart to clean and inspect before the next batch.

You could always do your next batch with RO or distilled water and see if you get the same thing.

My wife typically brews with me and cleans along my side. Stuff is typically very clean