late mash addition of dark malts and extract potential

Hey Guys.

I am preparing to brew what I call a “black ale” as my winter seasonal in a couple of weeks. For 5 gallons I use 1/2# each of pale chocolate and either carafa III or midnight wheat (depending on what the LHBS has). This beer has evolved from sort of an americanized ale version of a Schwarzbier so I am going for a dark color but pretty clean taste. I realize that probably doesn’t make sense… For this batch I am considering adding the darker malts at the end of the mash; possibly with 5-10 minutes left.

My question is how do I approximate the extract potential of these malts when adding at the end of the mash or at the sparge?

I apologize if my terminology is incorrect. I know that Beer Smith has a lot darker malts with extract potential between 1.026 and 1.032 or so. Is there a way to estimate how much sugar I will get when adding these malts at this time? Should I just enter the figures at 1.000?

The starch has been carbonized and will not yield sugars in the mash. You get points for the OG, but those are not fermentable, giving a higher FG.

Oh ok. Thanks for the explanation. So my OG should not change depending on when I add it to the mash?

Sparging works about as well as when you used to soak specialty grains in a gallon or so of water, so you will get the same amount of SG as you always do.

Thanks. Obviously I don’t know much about this stuff. I kind of forgot that when I did extract batches that I could just steep crystal or dark malts…