Hey Guys.
I am preparing to brew what I call a “black ale” as my winter seasonal in a couple of weeks. For 5 gallons I use 1/2# each of pale chocolate and either carafa III or midnight wheat (depending on what the LHBS has). This beer has evolved from sort of an americanized ale version of a Schwarzbier so I am going for a dark color but pretty clean taste. I realize that probably doesn’t make sense… For this batch I am considering adding the darker malts at the end of the mash; possibly with 5-10 minutes left.
My question is how do I approximate the extract potential of these malts when adding at the end of the mash or at the sparge?
I apologize if my terminology is incorrect. I know that Beer Smith has a lot darker malts with extract potential between 1.026 and 1.032 or so. Is there a way to estimate how much sugar I will get when adding these malts at this time? Should I just enter the figures at 1.000?