Latest life changing event.

A couple weeks ago, I got a tablet. Aseus Iconia, Droid 4.0. This thing is just great. Since I’ve had it, the only time I touch my laptop, is to pull some music or videos off it to my tab. He battery on this thing is a beast too. I watched a two and a half hour movie, and had 75% life left. Tons of useful brewing apps too. If any of you are thinking of pulling the trigger on one, do it! You will not be sorry. Got a steal on mine on Amazon. This particular one is cool, cause it has a USB and micro SD slot. Also has HDMI out, which is really cool to stream stuff I download, or YouTube, or Netflix to the big screen. So, again, if you’ve been putting getting one off, do it. The Weaze give it two snaps in “Z” formation.

Thanks for the review. I would love to have an iPad or something similar. I’ll keep this in mind.      ;D

I guess I kinda had that coming.  ;D

Ah, but you are leading edge on the “No Pants” front weaz.

Wouldn’t trade you for a case of tablets amigo!

You’re awesome Puna. For the record, my tablet is pantless, too.

No promash though, can’t change life without promash. Just saying, don’t forget where you have come from. Big brother is watching…

I got the Acer Iconia A500 about six weeks ago. Which one is yours?

With a usb hub I plug a keyboard and wireless mouse into it. Then I use a $3 walmart foldable picture holder to hold the tablet upright.

Damn thing is pretty polished. Fast and snappy. Battery lasts a long time. Wifi and Bluetooth works flawlessly. Plug it in via HDMI and I’m looking at the tablet on my 50" flatscreen. :o

Could replace my laptop. Almost.

I don’t look good on a 50" flat screen though, like a bucket of lard!

Yup, I got the  500A. I really like the on screen keyboard, so no need for an external here. I love playing Angry Birds on my 50"! BTW, with a couple free apps, you pretty have all the capabilities of Promash, and then some.

Yeah I like the keyboard too. Just seeing what it will do. That it’ll accept a keyboard and mouse amazes me. Android has become quite the OS.

You couldn’t GIVE me an “I” anything.

Say’s the guy who’s never tried an I anything.

And proud of it! I have several friends with various “I”  products. They envy my Droid, and the abilities they have. Not to mention they are not locked. Thumbs up to Apple for starting the tablet craze rolling. And knuckles to Droid and Google for designing a decent OS.  8)

I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want an iPad as opposed to the other options out there. Note that I’m talking about the new iPad with retina. We have a fairly diverse ecosystem at work so i get to play with lots of different devices. Latest was that monstrous samsung tablet. None of them match the ease of use and general ‘sanppiness’ of the iOS interface, plus the app ecosystem is littered with malware, spyware and ripoffs.

I’m with you Phil.  I have the opportunity to try a lot of tablets.

Those who get it, get it.  Those who don’t spend a lot of time making excuses.

Kinda like the guy who says bad things about KitchenAid mixers…  ::slight_smile:

I’ll be getting the new iPad.  I own a tech support company and have worked on every tablet out there and nothing really come close to the iPad and the new iPad is awesome.  I do run into people that are against anything “i” and I guess that’s their decision.  Me personally, I’m not buying anything other than an “i”.  Although, I also have a HP Touchpad which I was lucky to get a couple of these when HP announced they were halting production and sold them for $99.

I’m trying to imagine if I would ever describe any electronic device as a life changing event. :smiley:

So is the internet, and yet I wouldn’t want it policed by anyone (remember AOL?).  What you see as safe I see as closed.

I love OS X and thought it was awesome that it was based on BSD Unix.  The problem I have with Apple devices is that they’re going back to the walled garden that frustrated even Mac lovers like myself in the 90s.  iTunes pisses me off, and the fact that they bought and shut down Lala (a spotify-like service from 2 or 3 years ago) was even worse.  I’d get an iPad if it were more like a regular computer and less like a computer-lite.  The fact that it’s a locked down, controlled “experience” is a big sell for some people, but not me.

Precisely why I sold my iPhone and never plan to buy another Apple product again. It’d have to be pretty special to convince me to not to wait for a better and open-source version to come out.