The future is here

No I am not a corning employee, just saw this stuff all you tekkies enjoy

Pretty incredible

Amazing. I’m geeking on the possibilities. Then I think jeez that’ll use a lot of energy. Still… I want it.

What’s cool is that pretty much all of this technology exists already, it’s just that to 1. install all of it will cost b-a-n-k BANK and 2. finding software has the kind of UI shown there is pretty much all Apple, and I don’t think they’d spend the resources on developing stuff like this.

I like the cooktop though.

They’ve been talking about using OLEDs to do this stuff for a while.

I really like the flexible glass panel displaying the 3D blueprints using an iPhone docking ring.  It’s an engineer thing.

The real trick would be getting the display to show the blueprints after synching with the phone, as opposed to, say, the porns.

Advancements in technology never cease to amaze me. The amount of money spent on these efforts is also amazing but for a good cause IMO.

Thanks for posting.  :slight_smile:

Awesome. I love living in the future!

I disagree that the UI is all Apple. UI like this is pretty well commoditized now. And your point 2 seems to contradict your point 1.

I like all of it, but yeah, the cooktop is especially nice.

UIs as smooth and seamless as that just scream Apple. Not sure what you mean about the contradiction, what I mean about it all being expensive is that a piece of glass with that kind of hardware behind it is already expensive to put in your pocket, let alone tile your kitchen countertop.

Since I work in software this kind of stuff is appealing in the sense that it is future job security.  ;D

Amen brother

I’m not sure the hardware itself (beyond the specialized glass material) adds that much to the cost. Will it be god-awful expensive? Yeah, no doubt. But expensive thin client hardware is where R&D money seems to be being pushed nowadays, especially by Apple. Their MO over the last few years has been to pioneer stuff like this. How many people would have paid $400 and $100 a month for a smart phone before Apple changed the game? You had a small group of people addicted to their Blackberrys, and that was about it. Now people can’t live without their iPhones, and look how much the price dropped. I honestly don’t expect iHome to be too far away.

What I mean by commoditized: Microsoft Surface, circa 2008.

Pretty cool.

In the real world though, that bus stop would be covered in bird shit and graffiti.

Ha! Yup. Reminds me of my favorite Engineering axiom:

“In theory, there’s no difference between Theory and Practice. In practice, however…”

They could develop glass-sided highway overpasses that allow for virtual graffiti.

That kind of thing would be cool but I see some pretty major obstacles.

  1. Iowa winter
  2. Real kids (not those really happy, non-fighting ones in the ad)
  3. bullets and bored street people.

Iowa weather would wreak havoc on the outdoor stuff and it would be a vandals dream.

Imagine what would happen the first time the bus stop and glass display panels get hacked.  That would be entertaining.  The back-end support costs would be huge!!

Okay enough reality based stuff, when can I order it?


The Future is Fragile, Expensive, and Shows Fingerprints.

The power goes out, now what?  ::)  The TV is cool, the rest, eh…

Isn’t that what the ginormous 3D TV is for?

I was watching 2001:  A Space Odyssey again the other day.  Clarke and Kubrick got a lot of it right.  They made that stuff up in 65-68.  What impressed me, as it always does, was how much cooler the real stuff is when it finally gets here, than it is imagined it will be in science fiction.

I remember being really amazed by the Discovery crew’s rubber map style news pads when I saw the movie back in '68.  I read in Popular Science back then that those news pads were really going to be around in the future. A flat, portable, TV screen that has news and TV shows transmitted directly to it!  Clarke and Kubrick were off by about 10 years on that one (iPad).

And the name of their ship, Discovery; another Discovery just finished its final voyage today.

Wow!!! Dreams are fun, Reality not always.

Bird poop…LOL

Rain X