Leaks suck!

I kegged a beer and hooked it up to the gas in my kegerator. I checked tonight to see what pressure I had set it at and all the gauges were all at 0.  :o

Just Damn!

Had to vent! Now back to your regularly scheduled forum.

A little late advice now…but I like to spray some starsan solution around the lid and posts of the keg after initial pressurization, just to be sure the keg is properly holding pressure (no leaks). It has saved me many times. Hope this helps.

Thanks!  :smiley:

I should have done something. This is a new (to me) keg.

Well, technically, since the pressure inside the keg is greater than that outside, a leak wouldn’t suck, it would blow  ;D

Well, technically, it depends on which side of the keg you’re on and from the beer’s perspective, leaks suck.  ;D

Vacuum leaks suck.  Pressure leaks blow.

Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw:
"Mean people suck.  Nice people swallow "  :o

Reminds me of a quote from Hitch-Hikers Guide, something about lemon aid not being so bad, unless it’s from the lemon’s point of view.

There is also;

“It’s rather unpleasantly like being drunk”
“what’s so unpleasant about being drunk?”
“Ask a glass of water sometime”

Wait a minute, that’s not right.