Leaky Keg Posts? Don't worry, just change the O-rings

Hi all,
New member, first post. I’ve really appreciated all of the advice and tips I’ve learned from you. I had an issue and had difficulty finding a definitive answer. After some trial and error, I found the solution and here it is.

I recently purchased a used ball lock style Corney Keg off Ebay. When I received the keg, I filled it with StarSan and attempted to pressurize it and run some sanitizer through my beer line. I immediately noticed that, unless I applied a lot of pressure to the CO2 ball lock connector, the connection was poor. The loud hissing noise let me know that lots of C02 was going into my basement, rather than the keg. When I finally got the tank pressurized (holding steady pressure on the CO2 ball lock connector) and hooked up the beer line, sanitizer leaked from the out post and ran down the side of the keg.

I disassembled the posts and poppets and cleaned them. The O-rings all appeared to be in good shape. They weren’t brittle or damaged looking.  After re-assembly, both leaks persisted. Long story short, I finally replaced the perfectly good looking Post O-rings on both the In and Out lines (I used the $0.99 version sold at Northern Brewer). This fixed my problem immediately. The rings in question are item d in the linked diagram - http://www.docstoc.com/docs/47172838/Cleaning-and-Rebuilding-Ball-Lock-Kegs

So, if your used keg displays the same symptoms as mine did, I suggest replacing the post O-rings and seeing if it clears up.


Welcome to the forum!

Yes, leaks and kegs go hand in hand.  Many things to consider are new O-rings, lubrication on O-rings and checking for tightness at each connection (post to keg, ball lock to post, threaded QDC to gas line, pressure relief valve and main O-ring in lid).  I generally try to spray down each spot with StarSan to detect leaks, but I have a small jar of the Leak Detector on hand for those stubborn leaks that are hard to detect.  Also, I turn off my CO2 when the kegs are fully charged and then monitor the pressure maintained in them and any one that loses pressure gets a full breakdown and servicing before it goes back in use.  I have one presently that leaks at the PRV and replacing the PRV didn’t solve it, so somehow the threads are worn in some way that I will be ordering a new lid to use.  First time for that for me, but I don’t want to waste CO2 on that leaker!

Thanks ynotbrusum! As a newbie, I really appreciate the advice!

When you have an inventory of used kegs, a good plan is to have o-ring sets, replacement PRVs, replacement poppets, and new lids. Kegs are less work when legging, but a lot of maintainance is needed in the long run.

Have you tried a bit of Teflon tape on the threads?

That is Pragmatic!

Years ago there was a lot of talk about leaky kegs.  Folks posted the McMaster Carr numbers for 100 small o-rings at a time for cheap, cheap, cheap.

I finally ordered a set of each kind of small ring.  It’s easier to just replace all the o-rings than spend anytime trouble shooting.


I just stocked up on some keg parts and gaskets. CHI Company is really good for small quantities of that kind of stuff.

I am glad that you were able to fix your problem.  Purchasing a used keg today can be a hit or miss proposition due to the poor overall condition of what is being offered for sale.  A lot of soda kegs that are being sold on the used market today were clearly culled from service for reasons other than being replaced by bag-in-box.

And in addition, new kegs are becoming so affordable that I can’t fathom why anyone would roll the dice on a used one.
