Leinenkugel's Fireside Nut Brown

I picked this up the other day.  Wish I hadn’t.

Very disappointing beer.  The “nut” taste was reminiscent of hazelnut but was over-powering and very unappealing to my tastes.  To be honest, I only drank half of the bottle and dumped the rest and I don’t know when the last time was that I didn’t finish a beer.  Just not pleasant.  The label mentions “with natural flavor” so I don’t know if they’ve added some sort of extract to enhance the nuttiness but it was not good.  I drank it from the bottle so I can’t comment on colour or lacing.

If you’ve tried this and you liked it, I know where you can get 11 of them real cheap…

hmmmm.  I’ve had a few six packs.  While not my favorite, I sure did not find it nearly as offensive as yourself.

I grabbed one at a party one time and thought it was pretty bad though not as terrible as Fruity Pebbles (Sunset) Wheat.

hmmm, dunno, i kinda like this one , maybe you guys just had some that wasn’t treated very good in transit.

I grabbed a six of this last weekend and while it wasn’t exactly my favorite, I started to enjoy it after a couple of days.  Not sure I’ll pick it up again when there are so many others to try though.

I had one on tap from a bar in Milwaukee about 2 years ago.  Initally pleasant, but quickly becomes overpoweringly cloying.  They must have made this one for pansies.  No balance what so ever.

With another 10 or 15 IBU’s, it might be palatable.  In some ways like drinking syrup.

Ok, it did have a nice malty character and I didn’t think the nut flavoring was totally over the top, but maybe because I was distracted by the overwhelming sweetness.  Pass on this one.

This seems to be a signature of Leiny.  Overly sweet beers.  They need to get it a little more balanced.