Let’s see… got one Admin, might as well get the other one in…
Drew Beechum - 35 - engaged - no kids, except 2 furry four legged canines and 2 furry four legged cats (one of which outweighs the canines). I live and brew in Pasadena, CA. Originally from Florida, went to school in Cambridge, MA. This means at some point I’m going to have to move somewhere into Denny territory (or north of there) just to finish pegging the four corners of the country.
I work as a senior software engineer for a major entertainment company and have had all sorts of jobs around here. Currently, I write and design systems to help ferret out people misbehaving in our online products. Its an odd job seeing what people like to chat about on these intertubes.
Brewing wise - I brew 10 gallon batches in a 26 gallon pot. (I hate boilovers I guess) and use a blue cooler for my mashing. Sadly, the braid is coming out this week to be replaced by an old fashioned copper manifold. I mostly ferment in two 10 gallon corny kegs and have ~25 kegs waiting to receive brew. My favorite styles are Mild, Saison and DIPA. (go figure that range). I guess I like extremes. I’d be hard pressed not to experiment with something goofy.
I am a member and past president of America’s Oldest Homebrew Club - The Maltose Falcons (out of Woodland Hills, CA). I’m currently the “Grand Hydrometer” (aka Beer Education dude or Mr. Know-it-all) and the Webmeister.
I was a one day Jeopardy! Champion last year (2008) and got to talk about homebrewing with Alex. The next day I talked about skydiving and then promptly lost. Must be the reason I don’t throw myself from airplanes anymore!
I’m also a freelance writer published in Zymurgy, the Celebrator and a monthly column in BeerAdvocate the Magazine.
Earlier this year a book I wrote was published by Adams Media - The Everything Homebrewing Book.
Like Denny, I’m a member of the Governing Committee which means I’m all ears for ways to improve the AHA experience for the membership.Unlike Denny, I still have my hearing intact!
A fool and the ground are soon reunited!