I need to do something light, summery, and easily enjoyed. I am getting tired of doing my blonde, wheat, and kolsch. Any ideas on a good style for the summer that is light in color and crisp? I will probably stick to an ale although I may be able to do a lager since I have considered a german pils.
I’ve made an Australian sparkling ale that’s very drinkable
You said wheat, but there are obviously sub-categories : 1/ Hefeweizen
2/ Wit
3/ American
-Hoppy American Wheat (ala Gumballhead)
Other good ones not 4/ Hoppy Cream Ale-ish - pale (golder) hoppy ale
called blond or kolsch that I’ve brewed 5/ IPL (India Pale Lager)
for summer: 6/ Pils - Bo, German, CAP
7/ My wife’s fruit wheat beers (never last long)
And: 8/ Dry Summer IPA - always good.
Not overly bitter, pale, light bodied, lots of
hop flavor and aroma. This is where I use more
tropical hops.
Last, not least : 9/ Saison - of course.
EDIT - Belgian Blond is really nice in summertime too.
Also, a touch of caramunich can turn your Weissbier into an AmberWeizen that is very appealing to the masses and just as thirst quenching. This works for American wheat too.
In a similar vein, try an Altbier instead of a Kolsch.
The key is don’t let the caramel get out of hand. A half pound of crystal /caramunich 40L in 5 gallons is enough to make the difference. Keep the pH on the lower end for a more refreshing, thirst quenching beer.
(Irish Red is another thirst quencher that is readily acceptable to the masses.)
I don’t think there is a better summer beer than a nice German Pils.
+1 other than that, I like a nice dry saison. However, I could drink only those two styles all year round.
Pre-Pro Pils is one my favorite summer beers.
Also, a Berliner Weisse is considered by many to be the most refreshing beer in the world.
A nice table-strength saison is my favorite summer brew. Also, you’d be surprised how far you can push the hops and still appease “the masses”. APA, or even an IPA brewed on the smoother side and emphasizing the flavor and aroma hops over the bitterness will often be surprisingly well-received.
Thanks all. I should have mentioned that right now I have wit, kolsch, and alt on tap with a late hop focused wheat ipa in the fermenter. American blonde and wheat are in my normal rotation. I really like the idea of a saison or German pils.
Can I get away with t58 for a saison? I used it for a wit and thought if I mashed lower, added some simple sugar, and fermented warmer it might work. Ideally I would use 3711
I’ve heard about people brewing a saison with T-58 but I’ve never tasted any. If you want to brew a saison with dry yeast I can recommend Danstar Belle Saison (Lallemand).
- Niels
Gotta use a real saison yeast. Saison is a totally yeast driven style. Lots of good saison strains out there.
Got ya. Out of curiosity Are there any other styles that I can brew with t58?
I think I will brew one of the following:
German pils
Belgian blond

Got ya. Out of curiosity Are there any other styles that I can brew with t58?
I think I will brew one of the following:
German pils
Belgian blond
I haven’t used it, but its description makes it sound pretty suitable for the Belgian Blond on your list.
I think Saison, Hefeweizen or American Wheat would be good. I just made a Black Saison because I like to challenge people’s perception and opinions of “dark beer.” Hoping its a hit at my grad party.
I make an English summer bitter that is a hit with the masses.
OG 1.040 to 1.045
Maris Otter plus a touch (5% or so) of light crystal, C10 or C20
Challenger or Styrian Goldings for Bittering (aim for 25 IBUs or so)
EKGs for flavor
Fuller’s yeast
It’s done in a week and tapped a week later. It’s also next on my brewing queue.
A brett saizon or a cherry flanders red? Should be ready by summer. Next summer
I just made a low ABV dark american wheat 1.040 SG. Just did a 50/50 2row and wheat with a bit of Blackprinz at mash out for color. It should be a treat and I’m hoping to wow the BMC crowd that doesn’t drink “dark beers.”

I just made a low ABV dark american wheat 1.040 SG. Just did a 50/50 2row and wheat with a bit of Blackprinz at mash out for color. It should be a treat and I’m hoping to wow the BMC crowd that doesn’t drink “dark beers.”
I brewed something similar some time ago using midnight wheat. I tried to keep a citrus character that I have in my normal wheat which was a bad idea. Earthy and spicy would have been a better choice.