Hey guys just looking for a recipe that would make a good session beer for the summer. I just brewed a Blonde Ale and plan on doing a Rauchbier Ale but I am looking for a good third recipe to try. I am not a huge fan of IPA’s unless they are the lower end of IBUs for that style. Doing a lager could be a challenge but I could attempt it. Anyway if anyone has any good recipes please share!

How about a hybrid, in between lager and ale. Can you hold a beer at 55° pretty well? If so, it’s hard to beat a kölsch style in the summer time.

I think low 60s is probably the best I can do. If I am correct WLP029 can ferment pretty well around 60 and keep a clean finish?

Research a Cream Ale, they can have flavor and are easy summer drinkers.

Well, honestly I’ve not brewed a kölsch yet, but it seemed to meet the ideas you were tossing around. Give it overnight and I’m sure you’ll get lots of kölsch tips.

I’m a big fan of an English bitter.

I also like a Session IPA/India Session Ale for summertime. You can add all your hops at whirlpool and get tremendous hop aroma with a moderate amount of bitterness.

Mmm, Pilsner is a good one too.

Saison is good any time of year, and a Witbier seems to work well in the summertime. So is a Berliner Weiss.

Summer is definitely one of my top four seasons for beer drinking.

My go-to summer session beer is my Saison. WY3711 ferments bone dry, but leaves a great mouthfeel behind and finishes a bit tart. It goes down really nicely on a hot summer day.

I second the kolsch idea. Wlp029 works great at 60F and can give nice lager like results.

Thanks guys really enjoying the feedback! I like the ideas of a Kolsch or a Saison. I will play around with some recipes tonight and try to figure something out. Keep the ideas coming I’m pretty open minded with what I would brew! Cheers!

I just finished my Saison with the 3711.  Simple, simple recipe and left the fermentation temps on the lower side of the range(68-72) to keep the fruity esters in check.  I kept it on the bottom end for OG and paired with that strain it delivers a dry finish.

Coinkydink. I just pitched 3724 on two batches I brewed today.

A couple of session beers I like in the summer are a grisette (essentially a low gravity saison) or a patersbier.

+1.  Brewed a 3724 last Sunday.

Grodziskie is my favorite for the summer.

So I think I am either going to do a Kolsch or a Saison, those seem to be the popular choice. I haven’t brewed either style before but from what I understand is the both have  relatively simple grain bill and hop schedule. Potential grain bills below.

-8lbs. Bohemian Pilsner
-.5lbs Light Munich

  • WLP029 fermented at ~64F
  • Not sure on the hops. Any thoughts??

-8lbs Belgian Pale Malt
-.5lbs Biscuit Malt
-5oz Crystal 80
-WLP565 at ~70F
-Not sure on the hops was thinking EKG’s and maybe some Saaz or Willamette dry hopping to compliment the subtle spiciness from the yeast.

Let me know what you guys think any feedback would be awesome!!

For the Kolsch, someone here recommended using a noble hop addition at first wort only which has worked well for me. I would shoot for around 20 IBUs. The only issue is if you use really low alpha hops you have to use a lot more which can lead to a grassy flavor in my opinion.

The warmer you go with WLP029, the more fruity character you will get in my experience. My first Kolsch was fermented around 65F and had a fruity, white grape character that was enjoyable. The Kolsch that I just kicked was fermented at 60F and was very clean and lager like.

The simple grain bill looks good. I like a little bit of vienna and wheat in mine.

The saison looks good to me as well but that is a very flexible style. You can make the malt bill more complex if you like or keep it simple. Not sure you want any crystal in there but I doubt it would hurt anything at that amount. I like WY3711 and don’t have any experience with White Labs saison yeast. The hops look good to me. I am sure others can give you better feedback/advice regarding both beers than I…

Here is one of my favorite summer beer recipes, that I first brewed 12 years ago.

5 lbs. pils malt
3 lbs. rye malt
2.5 lbs. wheat malt

Multi-step mash. 105°F for 30 minutes, 140°F for 30 minutes, 152°F for 60 minutes. Batch sparged.

1.75 oz. Tettnanger (4.5%) 60 minutes
0.5 oz. Tettnanger 15 minutes

Wyeast 1338 European Ale

OG 1.055, FG 1.017

Damn that looks good! Never used 1338…

I have used WY1007 with it, and it comes out great as well, but I prefer 1338.  1338 doesn’t attenuate as much, and leaves a nice malty-rye backbone that pairs well with the Tetts.

So have been hammering out this recipe and think I have a good Saison to brew.
-8lbs Belgian Pale Malt(3.8L)
-.5 Biscuit Malt(25L)
-5oz Crystal 80
-Kent Golding Hops

  • .75oz at 60
  • .50oz t 30
    -WLP565 Belgian Saison I Yeast(Fermented at 70F)

IBU: 21.161
SRM: 12.5
ABV: 4.2%