Hey everyone,
I am looking to convert an old refrigerator in to a kegorator. I was wondering if there is any potential issue with having the faucet location in the door lower than the top of the kegs. I would like to have three taps using ball lock kegs. Thanks for any info.
I wouldn’t see that as a problem.
You push the beer from the keg to the faucet under pressure so the height above or below the top of the keg isn’t relevant (within reason). A few inches won’t cause any issues. When you start talking in feet it gets more complicated. 8^)
If you can close the refrigerator door, you’re good.
Thanks for the info. I was looking at installing the taps about a foot 12" down on the door. Just worried that this will create a siphon and if that would mean I need to adjust the Co2 pressure.
It shouldn’t siphon since the taps seal shut. You should be fine.