Looking for 1 ticket for Conferences in MN

Hello all - I have been trying to find anyone with an extra ticket to the Conference in June.  I was saving up the money to go to everything including the conferences and by the time I did - unfortunately the tickets for the conferences were sold out.  I am going to come to the social stuff but to drive that far I was really hoping to be able to get to some of the lectures and discussions.  Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your time!  Looking forward to seeing you all in MN next month!! :slight_smile:

Hi Kevin,

I hope you have gotten your name on the wait list for the seminars.  If not, you should contact Chris Williams (williams@brewersassociation.org) to get your name on the list.  See you in MN!


Janis Gross
National Homebrew Competition Director
AHA Project Coordinator

Thanks for the tip - I sure did that as soon as I found out it was sold out.  Keeping my fingers crossed for this to work out!!  Hope to see you there.

My house got hit by a tornado Saturday night and the house is unliveable and I have got to find a new home so I most likely am not going to the conference and will have a ticket. I have no internet and have to go and borrow a computer to check my email so I will check in a few days. I have no idea how we sell the tickets that we purchased and it is the full package ticket? If someone knows how I can sell my ticket because I really need the money please post a reply and I will try to check this weekend. Thanks guys and I wish I was going to the NHC I am so mad that I can’t go.

Hey Dbbrewing, Sorry to hear about your home man.  Glad to hear you’re okay!!!


Good Luck with your situation!

Hi Db,
Under these circumstances, the AHA will certainly refund your ticket.  Please contact Chris Williams at williams@brewersassociation.org or by phone 1-888-822-6273 x157 if you would like a refund.

I’m really sorry about your misfortune, and hope your life can return to normal soon.


Janis Gross
National Homebrew Competition Director
AHA Project Coordinator

Way to go AHA!  You guys are the best!

That’s about the nicest thing I’ve seen in a while Janis/AHA!!! Happy to be a part of an organization like that!

Couldn’t say it better myself


Good job, Janis.  It shows class and character.  I’m glad to be part of an organization that cares.

Ddbrewing–good luck with the recovery efforts.  Glad you and the family are safe.  Hope to see you at NHC next year.

Hi Db,
Unfortunately I listed the wrong extension in the earlier post.  Chris Williams’ extension is 125, not 157.

Janis Gross
National Homebrew Competition Director
AHA Project Coordinator

Thanks everyone! The AHA is great they really care about their members and hope all are having a great time at the NHC, cheers.