Looking for 1 ticket for Conferences this weekend in Bloomington

Hello - I have am trying to find anyone with an extra ticket to the Conferences this weekend. I just purchased my 1st system last week at my local brewing shop, and found out last weekend while reading all sorts of homebrewing forums that there is the national homebrewing conference basically right in my back yard! Whoda thought? :slight_smile:

Of course, I have been thinking about getting into this hobby for a while, and had no idea that the week after I buy my setup, probably the best educational opportunity one could ask for is happening so close to home. I presume that it moves around every year, so this will most likely be my one shot at going (can talk the better half into letting me go to this since there is no airfare, hotels, etc, but next year, there would be…)

If anyone has a spare ticket, I am (ideally) looking for one that is conferences without the banquet, as I need to be home in the evenings, but just going to meet all the great people, and the education, would be priceless. Let me know if anyone can help me.

Thanks much!
