Los Angeles

Hey guys, long time no talk. Been a busy busy busy busy YEAR and a half practically. All is fine, no health problems, but with three kids and a ton of new business coming in with my company I barely have time to sit down these days.

I’m going to be at Drupalcon in LA from Saturday may 8th through the monday after, the 17th. If any of you guys are in the LA area I’d be happy to bring a few interesting French beer bottles and talk beer in general. And if you have suggestions for good bottle shops that’d be much appreciated as well :slight_smile:


Where in la? Will you have a car? Lots of new breweries opening.

Mostly Staples Center, although I would like to do a small (< 50-60 miles) roadtrip somewhere to a beach - I was thinking Malibu, but really am fine with anything. I’ll have a car for a couple days and then it’ll be Uber all week long.

Hey Phil! good to hear from you. glad to hear you’re staying busy. no advice for LA.

Try one of the smaller beach towns instead of Malibu. I really like Seal Beach, which still has some beach town funky feel to it. There’s also a couple of good beer bars on Main Street. It’s right off the 405 and 45 minutes from where you’re staying, if you go mid-day/weekend. Much longer at rush hour…


Glad all is well with your family and business!

Hope you’ve had time to squeeze in some brewing here and there.

Thanks Euge! I did actually get to brew recently during a pilot test here: Redirecting...

Otherwise… The marching orders are:

  1. finish kitchen remodel
  2. redo deck w/ outdoor kitchen
  3. set up brewing area in said outdoor kitchen

Hopefully I can get to that in time for winter lagering.