About a month ago I brewed a SMaSH AG beer. Used 10 lbs marris otter, .5 oz mosaic @60 and .5 @15 with
1 oz dry hopped in keg. After carbonation the first few pints were awesome, then not long after I started to lose aroma, is there anything I can do to get the aroma to last the entire keg?
Be careful about oxygen and add more hops
+1. Initial beers are often the hoppiest as the initial beers usually contain the most yeast until you get to the bottom of the keg.
+2. That level of hopping is less than typically used in most APAs. For reference, I use 4-5 oz/5 gallons added in the whirlpool (post boil) for flavor and aroma, and also dry hop with 2.5-3 oz/5 gallons. It’s on the hoppier end of APA but it’s a ballpark reference. Also, agreed on reducing O2 contact. If you keg, purging kegs with CO2 before filling and also purging the headspace after closing the lid goes a long way to preserving hop aromas.
Keg hop. Either a cleaned/sanitized fine mesh nylon bag or get some sort of screening for the dip tube.
Keg hop. Either a cleaned/sanitized fine mesh nylon bag or get some sort of screening for the dip tube.
Yep, should’ve mentioned that, too. I’m all about the keg hopping.
Yes I used a 1 gal paint strainer with some marbles as weights.
I can’t believe nobody said drink quicker.
I have experienced the same although some beers for whatever reason shelf better than others and the hop aroma lasts and some fade big time in a month. I haven’t stepped to legging yet but that keg hopping seems like that would really give u a nose full. Almost like putting a pellet in each bottle.!
Was the beer hazy when you dry hopped? Did it lose its aroma as it cleared?
You need more flavor/AROMA hops for sure.
This is life, but proper pH helps slow the reaction down too.