I brewed an english bitter on friday with yeast i had collected from my previous batch (about a week before). OG hit 1.045 but i still have very low airlock activity and krausen is not as high as i expected. Could it be that i underpitched? Should I add more yeast? Or should I just wait?
Oh its about 75 degrees in here right now and i’m not controlling temperature
Did you take a gravity reading to make sure it isn’t done already? Also as has been posted here many times, if you ferment in a bucket, you may have a lid that didn’t seal properly.
But I would first check the gravity. Always do that when in doubt.
In my experience, harvested yeast that is very fresh will complete in a very short time. With a 75 degree ferment, you may have a serious ester and possible fusel situation, but good luck and enjoy your bitter!