Low mash pH

I finally bought pH strips to check my mash pH.

Today, one batch was right on and one appeared to be low.  The batch that was right on was a stout, the low batch was an IPA.

What would be the impact of low pH in the mash?

I’ve had comments on score sheets that my beers need more body.  Would pH affect body?  Of course, those comments have been on everything from a light saison to an imperial stout.

I’ve found that low mash pH does increase the fermentability and reduces the body of beer. Overly low mash pH can be detrimental to beer quality and perception.

Hmm.  So a longer mash would not have been the best thing to do.

It seems odd that the lighter colored beer had a lower pH. Did you acidify with that one? Our was it just the extra calcium?

I did nothing but mash the grains.

Filtered tap water appeared to have a high pH. I’d have to go find the jar of test strips, but I think the strip turned purple.

As I said, never bothered to check before so my sample size is very low.