Lubricant noob

I have never lubricated any of the gaskets on my kegs before, everything I bought has worked so far and most of it was reconditioned or bought used. I am starting to have some leaks though but I’ve been able to catch them.

I want to replace all the gaskets on my equipment and I am wondering if I should lubricate everything, or just the posts and dip tubes. The lubricant I have is food grade quality cip film. Is it necessary to lubricate the lid gasket? Or am I doing myself a dis service if I don’t lubricate everything.

Thank you for feedback.

Lube all of the gaskets/seals, including the PRV and poppet seals. The lubricant not only helps them seal, but makes them last much longer.

As no one has answered, I’ll take a shot; I began writing this before Bob.  I don’t think there is a a hard and fast rule unless it is lubricate if you have a leak.  I don’t like to lubricate everything as I think that provides a hiding spot for bacteria although I don’t think I’ve had that problem.  Due to leaks, most of my lid gaskets are lubricated and some of my poppets are lubricated.  I don’t think I’ve ever lubricated anything else.

The only thing I lubricate are the posts, it makes the disconnects work really easy and helps those o-ring last longer.    I don’t think lube extends the life of the other parts really.  When I buy a new (to me) keg I replace everything (including poppets, PRV and posts if they’re in poor condition,) and you have to replace the rubber parts periodically no matter what. I don’t want any lube or sealant anywhere that might contact beer.  (I like foam on my beer and beery flavor in it.) Whatever you lube, use only pure silicone grease. Petroleum products will eat up the o-rings.

(I’ve never had a leak that lube could fix.  I think that indicates deterioration requiring replacement.)

EDIT for that matter, I’ve never had a leak at all except in a used keg as purchased, they’ve been perfect after that initial refurbishing.

In a dry climate I have to apply a thin coat of lube every time I clean a keg or the gaskets break down over time.

Let me put it this way - I just lost 3.5 gallons of Golden Ale to a post o-ring leak.  I would lube it all, if I were you.  I’m changing out the liquid o-ring, too after this and I will be watching like a hawk for any issues on this keg.  Good luck!

I’ve only ever lubed when it was necessary to stop a leak.  It has worked for me so far but past returns do not guarantee future performance.

This thread did remind me I need to replace o-rings on 2 kegs I filled Saturday though.  Thanks for the reminder!!


wait, do ya’ll lubricate all your gaskets every time you clean and fill a keg? I usually only lube the lid gasket. Oh lord!

Vaseline around the posts lightly with a StarSan spritz.

I just dunk the whole lid and gasket in the StarSan and fit.  No lube.

I decided to lube everything because it was all new gear, but I’m probably only going to lube the posts from now on. I just replaced the gaskets on one keg, I have 5 more to do.  I don’t see the need in lining the dip stick, co2 and lid gasket every time I fill a keg, sounds like a waste, and, potential harm to the beer inside. It was really really easy to put the disconnects on this redone keg though.