Made a Brew Sheet.

I made this to help myself during Brew Day. It has all the fields that I record during my typical prep day and brew day. I used to scribble all this data all over a Beersmith brewsheet but it always became super jumbled.

I made this a few years back and over the course of a couple years I have nixed things that I just never really filled out and added things that I still scribbled in the margins (e.g. Dilution Water Needed). Sharing because it might also fit your brew day.

It has form fields that you can tab through for easy input of all your known variables (Ingredients, Hop Additions, Mash Temp, etc.) and now it will do some simple calculations as you go:

  • Dilution Volume based on % Dilution
  • Total Water Needed:
  • Water/Grain (qt/lb)
  • Total IBU Based on Hop Contribution throughout the boil
  • How long you should oxygenate depending on the est. OG of the Wort

PDF Download Link Here:
Right now it’s filled in with one of my recipes but if you download it and open in Acrobat the forms are easily cleared. “Prepare Form>More>Clear Form”

If you start using it please let me know. I’d like to know that I’ve helped someone in their homebrew hobby.



You did a very nice job indeed.  I also had problems with jumbled notes on the BeerSmith Brew Sheet.  So I also made my own data sheet that I use in conjunction with BeerSmith - not quite as elaborate as yours, but functional.

Nice work!

I’ve made  brew sheets in  Excel with different pages for malt bill, calculations for gravity and hops, a procedure sheet for brew day, and a summary sheet that can be printed out after fermentation is complete.

It’s probably not as elegant as yours, but it works for me.

Brew On!