Mangrove Jack’s M84 Bohemian Lager

I recently fermented a batch of Amber Lager (SABL homage) with Mangrove Jack’s M84 Bohemian Lager at 54F. The beer came out malty and clean. Fermentation kicked off quickly (less than 24 hours to develop a krausen).  The beer cleared quickly also.

My overall impression, MJ M84 is a nice option for dry lager yeast.

  • formerly alestateyall.

I have a Dark Czech Lager on deck and ordered M84 for it but the online Homebrew store shot me an email saying their stash was expired. I chose a different yeast as a replacement but I really wanted to try that yeast.  Your post makes me even more interested in it.

Not sure what you mean.

  • formerly alestateyall.

I took it to mean the source of the yeast strain. (i.e. Urquell)  Though I’d also like to know, it’s not likely to find an authoritative source to tell us definitively where they harvested the strain.

I am not sure of the source. I have never seen source information for any of the Mangrove Jack’s yeasts. Just speculation.

Frankly, people online say US-05, WLP001, and 1056 are all Chico. But all three behave and taste different. So, even if different brands actually have the same source they become different strains in reality.

  • formerly alestateyall.

They all came from the same source many years ago.  But there are differences between them now.  We tested the difference between 001 and 1056.  Most people preferred 1056.  Marshall tested the difference between 001 and 05, with 001 preferred.  You can draw your own conclusions.

I have drawn my conclusions. US-05 is the peachy king. I don’t like it.

WLP001 is quite clean and lager like at low temps. This is my preferred Chico strain.

I have only used WY1056 once or twice because it is harder to get in my area. I have no negatives.

I just bought some BRY-97 and MJ M44 to compare. I would like a reliable clean dry yeast. I may just need to use a dry lager yeast. I have had good results with several.

  • formerly alestateyall.

I have drawn my conclusions. US-05 is the peachy king. I don’t like it.

WLP001 is quite clean and lager like at low temps. This is my preferred Chico strain.

I have only used WY1056 once or twice because it is harder to get in my area. I have no negatives.

I just bought some BRY-97 and MJ M44 to compare. I would like a reliable clean dry ale yeast. I am also adding MJ’s California Lager yeast to my comparison. It’s not an ale yeast but it gets lots of good reviews. I may just need to use a dry lager yeast. I have had good results with several (34/70, MJ 84, MJ 76.) I want a less finicky clean strain that is quick. By less finicky, if i accidentally under pitch or my temp is not quite right I want the beer to still be clean with a Helles type malt bill and hop schedule  that has nothing to hide my screw ups.

  • formerly alestateyall.

I’ve used BRY 97 a few times and far prefer it to 05.  Nearly as good as 1056 IMO.

Not sure that was a real question.  Same post on another thread where it made no more sense.

I prefer BRY-97 as well.

I prefer BRY-97 as well.

I’m beginning to think we have a couple of bots that have joined us:

Both have posted twice in rapid succession in 2 different threads each.  None of the four posts makes any sense in the context of the discussion.

My apologies to both, if you are real, but they fit the classic mold of chat-bots so far.


Thanks. I have some that I haven’t used yet. How did you pitch it? Starter? Sprinkled dry? What volume of wort? One packet or two?

I sprinkled one packet dry into 3 gallons of wort and then swirled.

  • formerly alestateyall.

I agree.

  • formerly alestateyall.

Sorry.  I deleted their posts but didn’t ban them.  That will change.