March Mashness 2015

2015 March Mashness Home Brew Competition

Hello fellow home brewers,

The Cloudy Town Brewers home brew club of central Minnesota is proud to announce their 15th annual March Mashness Home Brew Competition. The competition will take place March 13th and 14th at Michael’s Austrian and American Restaurant in St. Cloud, MN. This is a BJCP sanctioned event open to all beer styles along with ciders and meads.
Entries will be accepted from February 13 thru March 1st. You can register your beers and register to judge at  all entries will be judged by at least two BJCP certified judges. Medals and prizes will be awarded to the top three entries of all categories judged.

Come join us for the awards banquet at Michael’s Austrian and American Restaurant the evening of March 14. A delicious dinner and guest speakers Chris Laumb and Matt Barth from Beaver Island Brewing Company will give a presentation of their new brewing company. Chris is head brewer of Beaver Island and Matt is co-owner. There will also be plenty of door prizes. So come join us for an evening of good food and drink and good fun!