12th Annual
March Mashness
Hosted by the Cloudy Town Brewers of St. Cloud, MN
Best of Show Awards Banquet: Saturday, March 24th
$20 a person for meal, speaker and draft homebrew
Meal @ 6:00pm, Speaker @7:00pm, and Awards @ 8:00
Michael’s Restaurant
510 Highway 10 S
Saint Cloud, MN 56304
Special Guest Speaker:
Greg Smith
Founder and Owner of Leech Lake Brewing Company
Entries accepted: February 24th through March 11th
Drop locations:
• MINCO Technology Center (Nitro Brew and Hobby)
3333 W Division St, #107, St Cloud, MN, 56301
• Midwest Homebrew Supplies
5825 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55416
• Northern Brewer
1150 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105
Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419
For more details including: registration, forms and fees.