May 21 - What are you planning ot do?

Somebody has to ask this question.

I’m pretty sure, one way or another, I’ll be here come May 22nd.  I’ll be cleaning my Mom’s house before she moves to a retirement community in Omaha.  8^)

If the rapture actually happens… what will you be doing on Sunday?

I personally will be arming up and getting ready for some gun play.  ;D


Well, given that I survive, I guess I’ll be being chased by zombies.  A lot of people are laughing at this prediction like it’s a joke; this is how I feel about all religious beliefs.  Why is this particular instance so damn funny?  Have you guys actually put some thought into any sort of religious beliefs out there?  It’s all one big comedy show to me.

Cheers, I’ll be brewing and drinking homebrew on Sunday.

We’re going on a bicycle pubcrawl!

Well if the rapture happens I’m going into work since it’ll be a National disaster and I’m on the roster to respond. If I’m taken WTF will I care.

One more reason I don’t miss oncall.


Huh, first I’ve heard of it. I’m brewing. Would be a shame if I was taken and missed the 30min hop addition.  :-\

That even made my kids ROFLOL.  As the kids would text.


I plan to brew 5/21.  I might be brewing on 5/22 also, depending on how much I brew today and tomorrow.  The rapture?  Hilarious.  But if there is some natural disaster I will either be cleaning up or doing whatever I would have done otherwise, but also listening to the news.

Remember, the prediction* is for rolling earthquakes at 6PM local time, where ever you happen to be.  My brother in law is in Jakarta, so he’ll let me know what happens.  Then we’ll have time to get ready.

*By “prediction” I mean made up nonsense.

I hope to be in heaven, but I’ve read the bible a time or two and know nobody knows the hour.

I’m only packing shorts and t-shirts.    ;D

It’ll be warm and all my friends will be be where I’m going.  If you believe the Nuns, that is.


I’ll be heading to heaven if the rapture comes.

I’d like to know who leaked the schedule though.

If not I’ll be SCUBA diving at Pu`uhonua O Honaunau.

Enjoy the dive!

In Iowa, diving involves a lot of “hey! look at that dirt cloud!  Where am I?  Which way is up?  AAAAAAAAH!.. Oh, hold on, never mind, I’m okay.”


I hope I’m going up, but I’m afraid they may only have light beer up there.

Lets hope I have done enough to secure my spot in hell bc that’s where the party is at. According to the polka song there “in heaven there is no beer” so that’s not where I am goin

I’ve been invited to a couple of looting parties, but I doubt I’ll go.  They have their own facebook pages.
Here’s a nice flow chart to let you know if you’ll be staying or going:

(couple of edits to fix the link and some spelling)

Just in time for the Rapture…on your way up to heaven you can now drink beer in space without the dreaded “Wet Burp”

Isn’t that what Tim Allen calls a “Vurp?”

My wife and I will be at the Midwest Microbrewers Beer Festival in the big town of Chilton, WI getting hammered… I mean sampling a few brews!

Either way I’ll be having a homebrew

Not sure about beer, but there will be plenty of new wine! Oh, and…